Living life with a Rhino's Vision

Some moments are hard. Some days are hard. Some years are hard. How do we live this life of knowing in our hearts that God has a plan yet having to wait, wonder and stay focused in the midst of the unknown? We do it through the vision of a Rhino. I run a very young nonprofit. Our goal is to live simply so others can simply live. We are passionate about investing in one person at a time because we know to that one person what we do can change their life. But funding is always the hard part. Just because I am passionate about it does not mean everyone else around me is. God has given us a vision for the future, we know it's from Him. We have stepped out in faith but now is the season of waiting. It's hard. There is nothing more we can do, we have prayed until we no longer know the words to use and we have done all we can to move forward and share what God has placed on our hearts with others. There have been other...