Trusting His Plans for Our Lives

When I was a child my hopes and dreams were much simpler then they are now. They consisted of a new bike, going ice skating, watching a movie, going camping or having a warm chocolate chip cookie. My earthly parents would be the ones to allow these dreams to come true. Especially if they were things that were good for me, or that they knew I needed and would not misuse. Sometimes I had to work for the things I wanted in life, and other times they were given to me simply out of love. My dreams today are much bigger, more complex and not only about me. My Heavenly Father is the one that will bring them to fruition in His time. If they are good for me, for others, if I need them, if I will not misuse them. Sometimes I have to work to bring these dreams to fruition, sometimes He gives them simply out of love. As most of you know I run a non profit organization named Village to Village. We are moving into our fifth year of lovi...