Representing Christ Well With Our Lives

We just returned from a trip of a lifetime to see our son and his wife in Sweden. A place I never really thought about going to. It was not something on my bucket list or a place you would normally go on a mission trip to. It was a sweet time with our kids and the beauty there is like nothing I have ever seen. Every sunset is magical, they just happen at two in the afternoon instead of five. It's not normal for us to travel outside of Village to Village or to travel with my husband. His idea of a trip away is to another state, not another country. My husband has always had a kind heart so anytime he could speak into someone's life he did. Even when he was uncomfortable himself. Some of the things we have tried to teach our children is kindness, to love everyone, not be judgmental and to represent Christ well. For us there is no other option then to be God's hands and feet in every situation at every moment. Think ...