
Showing posts from March, 2020

Family Matters

We recently returned home from Guatemala, home is always an odd word when you see how much of the rest of the world lives.  What their homes are made of, how they cook, clean, what access they have to clean water, fresh food and medication is much different then ours.  One thing is very much the same with them and most of us.  They have joy.  They are full of laughter and light. I do get a bit jealous when I am in other countries because they do something so much better then I do.  They spend time with each other, they cook and have meals together and talk. Not once a month or once a week but every day! Growing up, Sunday was our meal day with friends.  We never had to wonder if mom would be up early getting things ready for lunch after church.  I did not appreciate this near as much then as I do now.  Why do I not move to make this a habit when I know how good it is?  Usually it's because life is to busy, but I have allowed that.  I need to change that.  It's much easier s

Our Gifts to Him

I have struggled this month to find time to sit down and take a few minutes to blog.  I do not like the busyness   that I am in the midst of right now but am slowly learning how to let things go that do not have importance. With  Christmas just a few weeks away, I am reflecting on the Christmas traditions we had with our children. I always wanted our kids to understand that Christmas was not what the world had made it. It was the Birthday of our King.  We always baked a Birthday cake for Jesus.  It was a sweet reminder of what the day actually was all about. I wonder if we could begin to give gifts that matter to Christ. If our Christmas season would feel a little more special or meaningful.  We continue the traditions of giving gifts to family which can be stressful financially and mentally but what if we began to give gifts of time, baked goods, child care for a young            couple?  I believe this is the heart of God and our willingness to do for others will not onl

A Dangerous Life is a Good Life

Today is my second day of self quarantine.  Our team had to return from Moldova earlier then expected and now we need to stay in our homes for two weeks.   It's been quite an eventful week.  As we registered with the state department before we left, there were no indications that we should not leave.  During our layover in Austria we started to realize something was happening as we heard that we may not be able to get into Moldova.  During our 1st day in Moldova, our team heard there was a ban in the United States for those traveling from Europe.  Throughout the four days we were there, it seemed like hourly news was coming about airports closing, bans beginning and stores at home running out of the basics because people were so fearful.  There were many calls to the Embassy in Moldova, airline carriers and family. In the midst of all of the chaos, we had no fear.  Not once did we think we were in danger.  The question we continually asked was, "What is the w