Hearing His Voice Through a Child

Hearing His Voice through a Child

     I grew up dreaming of the day I would get married and have children of my own. The joy, laughter and sweetness they bring is like nothing else. We want to protect them and give them the best of everything.  We want them to feel loved.

    There is just something about children, even when they are not ours we want to be a part of their lives, watch them grow and learn.

    Guatemala does not have a health care system like ours, parents may die young, families may live in poverty with no food or clean water or children may be born with disabilities so left to die.
While visiting a hospital in Guatemala full of babies and toddlers with special needs or no family I heard God’s voice as clearly as I have ever heard His voice. 

     Our team had all picked up children and were happily playing with them. There was one child left in a crib near the back of the room. Guess that was my child to love on. As I went to pick her up I realized she was covered in vomit. I quickly turned and walked away! I had never in my life turned from a child.  I made it about three steps when God spoke to me so clear and loud, why are you here? To love on the least of these or to love on the cute ones that are clean and have no issues? I went back, picked her up and held her as close as I possibly could. And the same joy that I had experienced with my own children came back.

     Lessons are hard but always worth it. When God speaks, your best bet is to listen and move. You will not be disappointed.

Written by Heidi Dove


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