Growing Through His Answers to Our Prayers
Do you ever wonder if God really hears your prayers. I have no doubt He hears, sometime His answers are not what we expect though. I have learned to pray very specific prayers over very specific dreams, I keep a journal and write them all down. I never want to forget that He always answers. We may never understand His answers or His timing but just knowing they are His is enough. I have circled my marriage, my children, our home, our finances, our jobs and our health for years. There have been failed businesses , major sicknesses, broken hearts, financial loss, deaths and more even in the midst of the prayers. But an amazing thing happens when you pray. God gets you through it and grows you in the process. I would not take one heartbreak I have had out of my life, because I have become a better person, more understanding, patient, willing to do the hard things, have the hard conversations, because of the...