
Showing posts from June, 2019

Growing Through His Answers to Our Prayers

Do you ever wonder if God really hears your prayers.  I have no doubt He hears, sometime His answers are not what we expect though.  I have learned to pray very specific prayers over very specific dreams, I keep a journal and write them all down.  I never want to forget that He always answers.      We may never understand His answers or His timing but just knowing they are His is enough.    I have circled my marriage, my children, our home, our finances, our jobs and our health for years.  There have been failed businesses , major sicknesses, broken hearts, financial loss, deaths and more even in the midst of the prayers.   But an amazing thing happens when you pray.  God gets you through it and grows you in the process.  I would not take one heartbreak I have had out of my life, because I have become a better person, more understanding, patient, willing to do the hard things, have the hard conversations, because of the...

Living Simply

The first time I experienced a dump in Guatemala, a place where broken things are thrown, rotting food is placed, items that have no use are put, I was angry at the God that I had grown up loving, believing in, trusting. How could He allow human beings, with hearts and souls, people He created to live in such a desperate place. He very quickly reminded me that he had allowed me to be born in a country where I was in the top 4 percent of the wealthiest people in the world. And what was I going to do to change these precious lives? This began a journey I am still on, learning how to live simply so others can simply live.  I have more then I will ever need, so do I need to continue the cycle of more when I can really do with less?  We are looking at everything from insurance companies, can we get this cheaper somewhere else, to car purchases, do we need new or is that a want to Christmas giving, what can we give others that makes a difference in their lives, to see where...